Very well planned property, having natural sunlight and air ventilation
"Excellence Is Never An Accident; It Is Always The Result Of High Intention, Sincere Effort, Intelligent Direction, Skillful Execution And The Vision To See Obstacles As Opportunities."
Sosar is passionate to deliver worldclass global standard landmarks with highest level of customer service & finest workmanship.
Excellence is engraved in our DNA, which gets mirrored in our uncompromised quality. We have built a legacy over period of time & we always deliver our superstructures ahead of scheduled delivery time.
We Work In Silence, Our Success Makes The Noise.
We take immense pride in our diverse blend.
Coming from successful traditional families we are a proud mix of youth and experience, having a healthy & strong financial stability & a flare to understand difficult nuances of business which makes us stand tall in the crowd.
Real Estate development is a capital-intensive industry and having access to own funds is our formula for success. We will always strive to be a Debt Free company now and in future.
“Redevelopment is not a competitive game where society and developer have to strike goals against each other, rather it is a joint venture in which the Developer and the Society have to work in harmony towards common goals and objectives, which both of them have to achieve in a mutually beneficial, ethical and healthy relationship with each other.